Saturday, August 3, 2019

Blast Off! New Quiet Book Page!

Another page in my quiet book for my grand son....It is not bound in the book yet...but I couldn't wait to share it!


For more of my quiet book You Tube videos.....

Thanks for stopping by and...keep on preserving those memories!
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  1. Hi Cheri. I have been watching you make this book for your grandson. I really love all the things you have added. I have a great grandson that is 16 months old and would love to make one for him. I watched a video you made on youtube the other day that had airplanes moving . My eyesight isn't that great so I was wondering how or what you did to the back of the planes to get them to move back and forth. Thank you for sharing your work.

    1. Thanks Joyce! Follow along and copy any of my ideas! I am glad to make the kids happy! If you are talking about the double page spread with all the transportation things on it... I put small rings (from the jewelery isle at the craft store) on the back.. they are small like maybe 1/4, maybe 3/8, circle... and I just hand sewed the top of the ring to the back of the airplane, then laced the embroidery floss through and attached the floss to both sides of the book pages. That way they hang on, can move back and forth, but can't be taken off and lost! However...learning as I go.. I wouldn't use embroidery floss again.. to flimsy. I would use a thicker twin or string. The string on this page is again..from the jewelery isle and it is thicker and more secure. (and looks nicer!) And I would only attach it to each page.. not both like I is kind of sloppy this way. I would secure the string on each side of EACH page instead of the outer edge of each page. I also noticed..the string I use in the kitchen for trussing up a turkey... that would be great string to use! Nice and white, but smooth and sturdy! Let me know if you have any more questions!

    2. Just read this today. Thank you so much. I have these rings since I also like making jewelry for me. I just thought of something--for the string, you could also use dental floss. I use it in making jewelry and it is very strong and easy to use. I migt try that. Thanks again.


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